The Founder and Her Story
Thelma Natasuwarna is the founder of Karmarati which has been operating since 2009 (previously under the name of Bloom and Shine Yoga). This is her story.
“‘Raw, intense, and quirky’—this is how I perceive myself as I offer my transformative services. I believe in the human capacity of empowerment and redemption that can result in significant personal change. My awe and wonder at the intelligence of life takes me away from conventional thinking. I train and encourage my students and clients to always weave the many opposing views to integrate self-acceptance and to rebalance themselves. My main work objective is to bring everyone feeling “home and secure” in himself or herself. Such a state will open a significant space for essential growth, transformation, and happiness. Of course, the road to transformation is seldom without the encountering of egoic resistance and auto-reactive old patterns. And yet, I have high regard for the human capacity to experience evolutionary change. The journey can begin with either simple curiosity, stubbornness and addictive habits, or even deep pain and dissatisfaction—but as long as one is highly persistent in a willingness to change, the possibilities for growth are open indefinitely!” - Thelma.
More References:
Thelma’s story in initiating a community
Thelma’s profile in the Brahmani Yoga Teacher Directory here.
Thelma is a Brahmani Ambassador as appointed by the Brahmani Yoga School (www.brahmaniyoga.com) due to her dedication in practicing and teaching yoga in the Brahmani style.
Skills & Scope of Work
Thelma’s composition of skills:
A master’s degree in human development psychology, Yoga Teacher Training certifications (Level 1 and Level 2), Co-Hearts (chakra practitioner) of Sacred Centers, crystal reader certification, and quantum coach certification (continuing education).
Her scope of work:
Yoga classes and workshops.
Chakra consulting, coaching, balancing, and training.
Crystal therapy and journeying (Akashic reading).
Movement therapy: mindfulness and transcendent dance, elemental energy balancing.
Intuitive practices: emotional release, meditation, inner-child work, and intuitive mapping.