Body Awareness Lab
BODY AWARENESS LAB is an experiential and experimental laboratory of physical and energetical anatomy. We use movement, motion, postures, and flow to improve our capacity to enjoy being in our own physical plane. The body offers physical certainty and it is the home for our spirit. It is important to feel sufficient and resourceful with it. Modern life provides many conveniences, yet at the same time often directs our mind away from the body. It is time to bring the awareness back to the body and live the physical manifestation of all that is happening to us. This is the groundwork of embodiment.
"To lose our connection with the body is to become spiritually homeless. Without an anchor we float aimlessly, battered by the winds and waves of life."
- Anodea Judith

Exploring Connection
The illustration below explains the components and connection between the feet and other parts of the body. The feet connect us to the ground as we stand and move from one place to another.
If there is a lot to explore about the feet, imagine the other plentiful parts of the body yet to be discovered and experienced!